SPC Statement – Works to the Stock Common and Common Road Verge – 3 May 2024

With regard to works to Stock Common and Common Road verge and the gabion baskets which have been installed, Stock Parish Council have been requested by Chelmsford City Council to submit a Non-Material Minor Amendment to the planning application to rectify the problem encountered by the height of the tree roots.

The unknown height of the tree roots determined the installation depth of the gabion baskets. As as result, the original planning consent could not be achieved as the trees are protected being within a Conservation Area, and the protection of the tree roots were a planning condition.

The stones adjacent to Common Road, being a temporary measure, will be removed and the posts be moved nearer the road as originally planned.

The Common Road verge will then be reinstated in a much improved way to the previous verge.

Stock Parish Council appreciates the patience and understanding of villagers while this work is completed.

Previous Village Litter Pick – Saturday 13 April 2024

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