On-Street Parking Restrictions Update – 1 June 2024

Stock Parish Council is continuing to work to improve road safety for all villagers with a view to introducing on-street parking restrictions.

A Road Safety Survey completed by 462 of Stock’s 960 households in January 2024 found 82% of respondents feel parking in the village is cause for concern, while 53.6% are in support of introducing parking restrictions in the village.

The Parish Council can confirm it is working with South Essex Parking Partnership (SEPP) and Essex County Council’s Traffic Regulations Orders (TRO) team regarding the potential for introducing Double Yellow Lines at relevant and suitable sites in the village, and the enforcement of those parking restrictions.

All Double Yellow Lines introduced will be in accordance with Rule 243 of the The Highway Code – ‘DO NOT stop or park opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space’. These will be legally enforceable, with all proposals intended for the safety of motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, and parking enforcement officers will visit the village regularly.

It will be SEPP – a partnership between Essex County Council and 12 local authorities, including Chelmsford City Council – who will make the ultimate decision as to whether the Double Yellow Lines are introduced, and not Stock Parish Council.

Site visits have been held at junctions identified where physical and visual obstructions occur in Mill Road, The Square, Back Lane, Cambridge Close and Austen Drive, as well as the blind bend in Mill Road. Many of the roads in question have no pavements for pedestrians. An application for Double Yellow Lines in these locations has now been sent by SEPP to Essex County Council’s TRO team.

If this application is accepted, a SEPP technician will gather information from local residents, businesses and other interested parties potentially affected by the proposals. Providing the technician’s report is favourable, the proposals for Double Yellow Lines will then be put forward for the issuance of a TRO. This Order will then be published in local newspapers, online and site notices will appear at every location where Double Yellow Lines have been approved.

The Parish Council has also been in discussions with residents, including Blue Badge Holders, and business owners to try to alleviate concerns.

All interested parties will have the opportunity to raise objections within 21 days of the Order being published and a consultation meeting will be held if required.

Once all of the above has been accepted and, if necessary, the scheme adjusted, the necessary legal documents will be completed, and the Double Yellow Lines painted.

The Parish Council has also met with Stock Primary School’s Headteacher and Governors with regard to improving road safety. Discussions will continue with SEPP over the potential for introducing specific parking restrictions in Swan Lane to prevent inconsiderate, illegal and dangerous parking in the vicinity of the school.

Further updates regarding all of the above will be discussed at the Parish Council’s monthly meetings and published accordingly.

Previous Remus Horse Sanctuary to host Open Day on Sunday 2 June

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