Stock Parish Council Update – 17 August 2024

Stock Parish Council would like to make the following comments with regard to a couple of recent reviews concerning posts installed around the village:


Stock has a long record of posts which date back to the 1950s with the metal white posts and chains to the centre of the village. The installation of these was as a result of the growing use of motor vehicles and were installed to stop them parking on the greens.

The installation of the posts to the public car by All Saints’ Church were to stop HGVs parking and using the car park as a depot and churning the surface up.

The installation of the posts to Common Road are intended to stop parking on the roadside especially when cricket matches are being held.

The Parish Council has received letters and photographs demonstrating the high usage of the car park adjacent to the Common, including cars being parked on the grass where the extended parking area is intended.

Stock Parish Council has submitted schemes to address the parking problems in Stock to Chelmsford City Council, South Essex Parking Partnership, which are presently being considered.

There have been several comments regarding the narrowing of Common Road. This is not the case, as the road had collapsed into the ditch where cars had driven over the edge of the road and onto the grass verge causing the erosion of them. This has led to the ditch being dysfunctional and the road to flood. Stock Parish Council has submitted a request for the erosion of the road to be addressed by Highways, with the stones only being a temporary measure. The gabion baskets were installed to aid the drainage to the surface water from the road as the planning permission states.

Previous Bus stop replaced and benches repaired

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