Stock Parish Council held its latest monthly meeting at Stock Cricket Club on Tuesday 10 September, at which a number of important topics were discussed, including parking, road safety and speeding.
Councillor John Pye has been working tirelessly with South Essex Parking Partnership (SEPP) – a partnership between Essex County Council and Chelmsford City Council and other local authorities – regarding the potential for introducing Double Yellow Lines at relevant and suitable sites in the village, and the enforcement of those parking restrictions.
Cllr Pye explained that he has received an update from SEPP informing the Parish Council that the parking restrictions can be introduced subject to public consultation with village residents, businesses and other stakeholders and a meeting being held at County Hall in Chelmsford. However, due to available funding, this will not progress until 2025.
Cllr Pye also gave a detailed update on the nine LHP (Local Highway Panel) applications the Parish Council has submitted since November 2023 regarding speeding and road safety issues in Stock.
A number of speed surveys have been carried out and the Parish Council has been informed that the results of those surveys do not justify the reduction in speed limits on the High Street/B1007, as the average speeds of all vehicles during the counts carried out were not sufficiently high. Further, the Parish Council has been told that the speed limit on the High Street/B1007 cannot be reduced from 30mph without approval from the Transport Minister.
However, the Parish Council has told Essex Highways it wants to pursue speed restrictions and reductions, and will soon be announcing ways for villagers to support the campaign to reduce speed limits and increase road safety in our village.
The Parish Council-led volunteer Community Speedwatch scheme has detected nearly 300 speeding motorists detected in the past six months at a number of designated sites in the village, with the record number of 33 detected in a single one-hour period. All speeding motorists will receive a warning letter from Essex Police.
Villagers can join the Community Speedwatch by emailing clerk@stock-pc.gov.uk or Cllr Mark Rolph at mark.rolph@stock-pc.gov.uk.

Regarding the pedestrian crossing linking The Square with Budgen’s, the Parish Council had been informed that surveys justified the installation of a signalised Puffin crossing. However, a technical inspection has found that such a crossing cannot be installed. Instead, upgrades to the existing Zebra crossing will be made, funded by Essex County Council.
The Parish Council is also committed to improving the environment in and around the village.
After the issue had been raised by villagers, weeds have been cleared from pavements and drains cleared in the High Street.
Six benches and a number of bus stops have been repaired, cleaned and painted, while the Women’s Institute have planted on both sides of the bus stop by the War Memorial.
Installation of a new kissing gate at the junction of Mill Walk and Mill Lane and work to fill in potholes, redress the gravel and replace missing posts between The Paddock and The Square have been commissioned.
The Parish Council has reported around 20 other outstanding highways issues to Essex County Council, including faded road markings, blocked drains, broken road signs and potholes.
County and City Cllr Ian Grundy has asked Essex County Council Public Rights of Way to clear footpaths in Stock following complaints from villagers.
Cllr Rolph has led the Parish Council’s contribution to the Where Does The Water Go? project, surveying ditches and providing their findings to Essex County Council’s Flood Assets department for analysis.
Looking ahead, a litter pick will take place on the morning of 28 September, with villagers asked to meet at The Common at 10am to be provided with litter pickers and bags.
The annual Christmas Fayre will take place on Saturday 30 November, featuring 30 stalls hosted by local tradespeople, festive entertainment, food and drink. If you are interested in hosting a stall, please contact the Parish Clerk at clerk@stock-pc.gov.uk.
The Parish Council’s next monthly meeting will be on Tuesday 15 October at 7pm at Stock Cricket Club.