Stock Parish Council held its second monthly meeting of 2025 on Tuesday 25 February at Stock Cricket Club pavilion.
Over 50 residents, business owners and other members of the public attended, with parking restrictions proposed by South Essex Parking Partnership (SEPP) top of the agenda for discussion.
It was explained by Vice-Chairman Mark Rolph how, following concerns raised by villagers over road safety in the village centre and around Stock Primary School in recent years, the Parish Council approached SEPP in spring 2024 with a view to introducing parking restrictions at potentially dangerous junctions in the village centre, following the Highway Code. SEPP visited the village in July 2024 and subsequently confirmed that, subject to consultation, parking restrictions could be introduced at relevant sites.
Earlier in February 2025, the Parish Council received detailed proposals from SEPP for double yellow lines to be painted in Austen Drive, Back Lane, Cambridge Close, Mill Road, Swan Lane and The Square, and a three-week long consultation period began, ending on Friday 14 March 2025.
At the Parish Council’s monthly meeting, councillors listened to the views of local residents, business owners and landlords, who were encouraged to email those views to SEPP and, if they wish, to cc the Parish Council so they could be represented in the Parish Council’s own response to the consultation.
All associated documents for the proposed scheme are available online at www.chelmsford.gov.uk/tros.
Hard copies are available for inspection at Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1JE.
If you wish to object to or write in support of the proposed Order, please email trafficreg@chelmsford.gov.uk (cc’ing clerk@stock-pc.gov.uk if you wish your views to be represented in the Parish Council’s response) or write to the undersigned stating your reasons – South Essex Parking Partnership Manager, South Essex Parking Partnership, Chelmsford City Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE.

The next topic for discussion was the ‘Stock Against Speeding’ campaign, with Cllrs John Pye and Rob Pritchard reporting on a positive meeting with Stock division Essex County Councillor Sue Dobson – who was presented with a 2,100-signature petition calling for average speed cameras and lower speed limits – and Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Regeneration, Cllr Lee Scott. You can read more about that meeting and ‘Stock Against Speeding’ HERE.
Cllr Pye explained that three Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) displaying the speed limit and a warning message that will illuminate on the sign to remind drivers/riders to slow down will be installed in Stock Road and Mill Road on Friday 28 February, weather permitting.
Cllr Rolph confirmed that research had shown that, of over 400 motorists caught breaking the speed limit by the volunteer Community Speed Watch, 17 were repeat offenders. He also explained how a Community Policing Team officer had caught a number of speeding motorists, and that the Parish Council will soon trial the Trucam laser speed detection system, which shares offenders’ details with Essex Police.

Next, Cllr Pye gave a detailed report on highways, streetcare and general maintenance issues.
He explained that road markings have been repainted and road signs replaced at junctions in village centre, that the blocked drain outside The Bear on Mill Road will be unblocked, and the kerb and pavement outside the entrance to the Village Shop will be repaired in the near future. New gravel is to be laid on the path, potholes filled and damaged posts replaced on the The Square up to Little Lattices.
Cllr Pye continued by saying that a budget and design have been agreed for new and improved Village Gateways in Stock Road.
A bench in Back Lane, bus shelter opposite The Hoop and a kissing gate in Mill Walk are also being repaired, repainted or replaced.
Next, an update was given on works to improve The Common.
Phase 1, resurfacing the car park and placing a kerb around the edging to retain the gravel, and resituating the village beacon, is approaching completion.
Phase 2, which includes the bollards in Common Road moved to within 300mm of edge of the highway and the number of stones in the collapsed ditch reduced, is underway.
Phase 3 will see remaining stones and gabion baskets covered with permeable membrane and 150mm topsoil and seeded. An application has also been made for a kerb to straighten the edge of the road.
Cllr Rolph clarified that the width of the road has not been reduced, and that reflectors will be put on bollards to improve visibility.
A number of dead trees on The Common and in other areas of the village, many of which have been identified by residents, will be removed once the Parish Council has received the relevant planning permission.
The Parish Council is also looking to refurbish the playground on The Common to make it more inclusive for all, with funding provided by Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money from by the local planning authority, Chelmsford City Council.
The Parish Council’s third monthly meeting of 2025 will be held at Stock Cricket Club pavilion on Tuesday 11 March at 7.30pm.