With regard to works to Stock Common and Common Road verge and the gabion baskets which have been installed, Stock Parish Council have been requested by Chelmsford City Council to submit a Non-Material Minor Amendment to the planning application to rectify the problem encountered by the height of the tree roots. The unknown height of […]
Stock Parish Council will hold a Village Litter Pick on Saturday 13 April. Villagers who would like to take part should meet at 10am in the Common Car Park (Stock Cricket Club), where gloves, litter pickers and rubbish collection bags will be supplied. We will then disperse along the High Street, Swan Lane, Back Lane, […]
Stock Parish Council has issued an update regarding the ongoing works to improve historic flooding issues and to improve and extend the car park on The Common and build up the roadside along Common Road following the collapse of the verge. The wet weather experienced during the early months of the year meant works were […]
Stock Parish Council would like to wish villagers a happy Easter! The Three Churches in Stock will all be marking the Easter weekend with services and events. On Good Friday, worshippers from All Saints’ Church, Christ Church and Our Lady and St Joseph will join for the Walk of Witness. This will depart Our Lady […]
National Highways have informed Stock Parish Council and village residents that the A12 northbound carriageway will be closed between junctions 12 (A1023/B1002 at Mountnessing) and 15 (A414/B1002 at Webb’s Farm) from 9pm on Friday 5 April to 5am on Monday 8 April. A fully signed diversion route will be in place during the closure period. Northbound […]
Thank you to everybody who attended Saturday’s ‘Stock Against Speeding’ campaign, in particular the family and friends of Freddie Coleman. Hundreds of villagers turned out in support of the campaign, walking from the Village Hall to the centre of Stock, stopping at the village sign for a photo, across the Zebra crossing and along the other […]
Stock Parish Council discussed a range of issues with villagers at its March monthly meeting, with road safety and parking again high on the list of priorities. Following the results of the Parish Council’s January 2024 Road Safety Survey, councillors voted unanimously to apply for a 20mph speed limit and average speed cameras to be […]
Stock Parish Council invites villagers to support our ‘Stock Against Speeding’ campaign on Saturday 16 March at 10am. A Road Safety Survey completed in January 2024 showed strong support for a 20mph Zone and average speed cameras to be introduced in the village centre and speed reductions on the B1007 either side of the village. The Parish Council […]
S-Type Security and Solutions will meet villagers at Stock Village Hall on Wednesday 28 February 2024 between 7-9pm. S-Type Security and Solutions work with various Parish Councils across Essex, including Stock Parish Council, using mobile patrols to reduce the crime rate and anti-social issues in the areas they patrol, making villages like Stock a safer […]
Stock Parish Council has been working on a range of initiatives to improve the village for everyone, including road safety, parking and flood protection. The Parish Council discussed these initiatives and more at its monthly meeting on 13 February and would like to thank the villagers who attended and shared their valuable comments and feedback. It is great to see […]