Vehicle Activated Signs installed as part of ‘Stock Against Speeding’ campaign
Stock Parish Councillors and villagers installed three Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) displaying the speed limit and a warning message that will illuminate on the sign to remind drivers/riders to slow down in Stock Road and Mill Road on Friday 28 February.
Data from the three signs will be collected and shared with the relevant authorities.
The ‘Stock Against Speeding’ campaign continues, with the ultimate intention to install average speed cameras on Stock Road and reduce speed limits around the village to improve safety for all road users.
Parish Councillors held a positive meeting with Stock division Essex County Councillor Sue Dobson – who was presented with a 2,100-signature petition calling for average speed cameras and lower speed limits – and Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Regeneration, Cllr Lee Scott.
Updates regarding the ‘Stock Against Speeding’ campaign will be issued in due course.