Stock Parish Council has held two monthly meetings in recent weeks.
At the March meeting, the Parish Council were joined by Essex County Councillor Sue Dobson, who updated on road safety matters.
Regarding the pedestrian crossing outside Budgens, Cllr Dobson has asked Highways to have another look at the Local Highways Panel (LHP) application which justified conversion to a signalled Pelican crossing, but which was turned down due to technical issues surrounding the installation of equipment.
The bus stop on the Billericay-bound side of the hill outside the Bishop’s House will be moved towards the village centre, circumstances allowing.
Regarding an LHP Application requesting a reduction in the speed limit to 20mph on the B1007/Stock Road, which was rejected after a speed survey was carried out, Cllr Dobson reported that this was also being looked into by Essex Highways.
Councillors also considered a number of planning applications submitted to Chelmsford City Council.
Moving onto parking restrictions proposed by South Essex Parking Partnership (SEPP) were discussed. SEPP’s consultation period ended on 14 March.
Villagers attended our February meeting to share their views on the proposals, with an hour being spent discussing the issue. Concerns were raised regarding The Square and Mill Road and the potential knock-on effect on local businesses, and parking in roads near to Stock Primary School. The Parish Council took note of these concerns and encouraged villagers and local business owners to respond directly to the consultation.
The Parish Council also responded to the consultation, representing the views heard and suggesting proposed amendments and potential solutions.
Three Vehicle Activated Signs have been successfully installed on B1007/Stock Road and in Mill Road, warning speeding motorists and thanking those driving within the current 30mph limit. It is hoped the data received from these devices will assist the Parish Council to obtain average speed cameras.
The Community Speed Watch will resume more regular patrols with the improving weather. Community Policing teams have also visited Stock regularly, while a trial of the Trucam laser speed detection system, which shares offenders’ details with Essex Police, is underway.
Following requests from the Parish Council, Essex Highways have repainted worn out road markings at junctions and attempted to clear the drain outside The Bear in Mill Road. Works to repair the pavement outside the Village Shop will be carried out soon.
Relaying of the gravel paths, replacement of broken and missing posts and filling of potholes outside The Hoop have been completed. The bench in Back Lane has also been repaired.
A design is being agreed for new Village Gateways, which will inform road users that they are entering Stock Village.
A Litter Pick will take place on Saturday 29 March at 10am, meeting at The Common, as part of the Love Chelmsford initiative.
Regarding The Common drainage and car park project, works to cover the gabion baskets with topsoil, which has been seeded, and works on the car park, have been carried out. Reflectors will also be affixed to a number of the wooden posts. The Parish Council is consulting with Essex Highways regarding a solution for the edge of the road surface.
The Parish Council will hold an event to mark the 80th anniversary of VE Day on Thursday 8 May, with music, refreshments and the lighting of the village beacon on The Common from 6pm.
The Christmas Craft Fayre will be held on The Common on Saturday 6 December. If you are interested in taking a stall, or providing entertainment, please email clerk@stock-pc.gov.uk
The next monthly meeting will take place at Stock Cricket Club pavilion on Tuesday 8 April at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Should you wish to participate, as per the Parish Council’s policy, please email your question or topic to be raised to the Clerk at clerk@stock-pc.gov.uk at least three working days prior to the meeting in order that a response can be prepared for the meeting.